Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saturday 6/20/09

Matt took this picture at 5:23am. He started with some more concrete (people don't want to pay by the lb so they drop it in the desert).

I am honestly not even sure what this all is:
He uncovered the motherload when he lifted some branches, there was disgusting carpet padding and an old retail refrigerator (the little ones that have soft drinks like the ones at grocery ckeck-out).
Matt has a pretty hearty stomach and even he was revolted by this load.

He picked up the horizontal blinds and cabinet corner as a last minute effort and hit over 850lbs. total for the morning. All of this he dumped for FREE as a Boulder City resident.
This last picture was taken at 6:53am. He spent about 2 hours and made a big impact.

Sunday 6/14/09

Most of this days' haul was organic. There were a ton of tree trimmings and branches, which pose a fire hazard. The road here is close to power lines and less than a half-mile from residences. There were also more blocks of conrete and some carpet padding. The pictures will enlarge if you click on them, but the difference before and after is astonishing. Pictures just don't do justice. This load was less than 700lbs. but over 600.

Top pictures are before, bottom picture is after.

Wednesday 6/10/09

Matt didn't have a whole lot of time this week. There were some personal things going on with my family and he was home with the kids. So he decided just to pick up concrete from one particular area. Just this much was 720lbs. He had to break a lot of it up with his sledge hammer.

Saturday 6/06/2009

The first set of bags was just stuff from within a mile of our house. We live right by the schools and not many people seem to be teaching their kids what a trash can is, or what it's purpose is. The beer bottles are probably from adults, or teenagers at least.

This is the first dump site of the morning drive. It does not look like much, it is quite spread out. Matt cleaned up and down this ravine and along the road.

The tire was all the way at the bottom of the ravine. It wasn't easy to roll up the hill, but getting it on top of the pile in the truck was harder. He had to "Iron Man" flip this thing in there.

We don't have a short cab, or a small truck. This load was about 700lbs. and consisted of a lot of concrete, tiles, general rubbish and the tire.